Usage notes

by Gisle Hannemyr

These are notes about using Android.

Table of contents



Force restart

To restart the Samsung S7, press and hold the volume down key and power/lock key on the device for 10/20 seconds. This performs a simulated battery disconnect. (Source).

Turn on 4G mobile data

First, enable Mobilnet (4G) under main settings.

After that, pull down the top menu, rwice, locate "Mobildata" and activate.

Toggling settings

When on metered wifi, it is useful to disable automatic updates and videos.

  1. Open Play Store.
  2. Click on the hamburger menu on the top-left.
  3. Navigate to Settings » Auto-update apps.
  4. Select “Don't auto-update apps”.
  5. Navigate to Settings » Auto-play videos..
  6. Select “Don't auto-play videos”.

Final word


Last update: 2020-03-29 [gh].