Views: Using relationships

by Gisle Hannemyr

Views allows site builders to join field data from several tables by means of Relationships. This chapter shows some common use cases for using relationships.

Table of contents

Drupal projects discussed in this chapter: Devel, Entity Registration.


In Drupal 8/9, Views is in core, so there is no need to install a contributed project.

When a new view is added in Drupal 8/9, the first option to set is the entity to show (e.g. Custom Block, Comments, Log entries, Files, Content Revisions, Content, Taxonomy Terms, Users,, etc.). Each entity have its own base table in SQL database. Most of these tables have the same name as the entity, but not all: For example, the machine name of the base table for the Content entity is {node}.

Default form to create a new View.

In the "View settings" panel, you select the type of entity to show, etc. This produces a basic SQL SELECT statement to pull out data of that entity.

However Views is capable of adding a left join to the query. This is called a "relationship". Relationships are mainly used to pull in fields to display them, or to filter on fields that only exist in related tables.

Setting up

Install the Views and Views UI modules as you would normally install Drupal modules.

If your site already has content, you may skip this step and work with that content instead. However, if you're testing this on a newly created test site, you can generate dummy content as follows:

Install the Devel project. Enable the Devel generate module. Create a test user (name it "test"). Navigate to Administration » Configuration » Development » Generate Content and generate 50 nodes of type Article. They will be randomly assigned to existing users.

Show user name

A much requested use case is to show the user name of the user that created the content.

In Drupal 7 it was necessary to add an relationship to do this. Now it looks like adding the field "Authored by" does the trick.

Initially, after adding a new and selecting the base table, you will only be able to select fields to show that exists in that base table. For example, with a Content view (base table {node}), you can get the User ID of the author, but not the author's user­name as a string, because the user name only exists in the Users table.

By creating a relationship to "User: name" you can add a field with the user name.

See DO: Add a relationship to a view and DSE: How to get user name in a view instead of uid for recipes.

[More TBA]

Filter on relationship

An often requested use-case is to show the user a list of only his or her own content. The regular filter in Views let us use "Content: Author uid" as filter criterion, but only with a static value for Usernames.


To filter on the currently logged in user, we need to create a relationship. Do as follows:

Navigate to Administration » Structure » Views » Add new view. Name it "Own content". Change the display format to be a HTML list of fields. Just leave everyting else set to the defaults.


Click Continue & edit.

Add a relationship. Expand the third column ("Advanced") and next to "Relationships", click Add. Locate the "Content: author" relationship and select it by ticking the box.


Click Apply (all displays) twice (i.e. use the default configuration).

Locate the "Filter Criteria" area in the first colum side and click Add. Locate the "User: current" relationship and select it by ticking the box."


Click Apply (all displays).

On the next screen, select "Yes" to configure the filter criterion to only show the current user.


Click Save (top right) to save the view. It should look like the image below.


Now, when a user visits the path /own-content, she or he should see her/his own content.

If you enable showing the SQL (it can be toggled by navigating to Administration » Structure » Views and visiting the Settings tab), the SQL should look like this, where x is the uid of the currently logged in user:

SELECT node.title AS node_title, node.nid AS nid, node.created AS node_created
{node} node
LEFT JOIN {users} users_node ON node.uid = users_node.uid
WHERE (( (node.status = '1') AND( (users_node.uid = 'x') )))
ORDER BY node_created DESC

You may also use a contextual filter to filter a view to only show content created by the currently logged in user. See the note: Views: Contextual filters for details.

Showing node title

The image below show a view that is set up to show the node Titles and Registration IDs of registratins for some events. The base table in this case is {registration} (from the Entity Registration project).

In addition to pulling the node title from the {node}, we're reusing the method described above for filtering the content to onlu show registrations owned by the current user.


This produces the following SQL (where x is the uid of the currently logged in user):

SELECT registration.registration_id AS registration_id,
  node_registration.title AS node_registration_title,
  node_registration.nid AS node_registration_nid
{registration} registration
LEFT JOIN {users} users_registration ON
  registration.user_uid = users_registration.uid
LEFT JOIN {node} node_registration ON
  registration.entity_id = node_registration.nid AND
  registration.entity_type = 'node'
WHERE ((( (users_registration.uid = 'x') )))

Final word

Here are links to tutorials about using Relationships:

Last update: 2016-04-10 [gh].