
by Gisle Hannemyr


Table of contents

Drupal projects discussed in this chapter: AddThis, AddToAny Share Buttons, Service links, Share This.


Titan and other websites I manage currently uses AddThis for social media sharing. However, AddThis does not provide much functionality and sets some really annoying cookies.

This chapter reviews Drupal 7 sharing projects. It also tries to document how various SoMe sites accept sharing data, in order to evauate or create an alternative to AddThis.

There is a Comparison of sharing projects in the Drupal groups wiki.

SoMe sharing projects

This table shows the 4 most used Drupal 7 SoMe projects the 12M column shows the difference in number of users over the last 12 months as a percentage.

Data from 2017-09-23
ProjectVersionLast updateUsers12MFootprint
AddThis7.x-4.0-alpha62015-06-1527 781-3 %32 KB
AddToAny7.x-4.142016-110328 25822 %21 KB
Service Links7.x-2.32015-04-1829 124-11 %132 KB
Share This7.x-2.132016-07-1540 154- 12 %102 KB

SoMe sites


Facebook simply scrape the URL to fetch information. It prefers to get data by means of Open Graph markup in the header, but will try to infer missing information.

To see and debug OG markup, visit the following URL on the Facebook Developer subsite: Open graph object debugger.

The Facebook developer subsite also provides a Sharing debugger. It is very similar to the Open graph object debugger.

Final word


Last update: 2017-08-24 [gh].