Basic commands

by Gisle Hannemyr

Basic stuff.

Table of contents


This ebook is not about SQL as such, but about performing some typical task as a database administrator (instead of as a developer).

Most of the materials below uses the syntax of MySQL 5, which ships with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Some has been update to cover MySQL 8, which ships with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and MariaDB. which ships with RHEL8. Those sections that have been updated are marked [My5], [My8] and [Ma10].

Essential commands

On Ubuntu, the default security model [My5,My8] is to only allow a superuser logged in on loclhost to log on as the database administrator. This does not require a password. To do this, do the following:

$ sudo mysql
Enter password: *****
mysql> quit

The RHEL8 configuration [Ma10] requires a user name and a password:

$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password: *****
mysql> quit

To log on on another host (by defult, Ubuntu's security model disallow this):

$ mysql -u root -p -h
Enter password: *****
mysql> quit

Commands that can be used by the database root to see what databases exists, what tables a database have, who owns the databases, what user names exist (with hashed passwords), current MySQL version, current date and time:

SHOW databases;
SHOW database.tables;
SELECT db, user FROM mysql.db;
SELECT user, host, authentication_string FROM mysql.user;
SELECT version();
SELECT current_date;
SELECT now();

To set a database as current:

use database

To check for rogue persistent connections:

show processlist;
show full processlist;

Manage users

To list users:

SELECT db, user FROM mysql.db;
SELECT user, host, authentication_string FROM mysql.user;

The follow sequence of commands will create a new database user [My5,My8,Ma10]:

mysql> CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'username'@'localhost';


To delete a user named "user" use:

DROP 'user'@'localhost';

Changing credentials

To change password for self.


$ mysql -u username -p
Enter password: *****
mysql> SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('NewPass');


$ mysql -u username -p
Enter password: *****
mysql> SET PASSWORD = 'NewPass';

Change password for another user.


$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password: *****
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'username'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('NewPass');


$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password: *****
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'username'@'localhost' = 'NewPass';

or use the following statements:

mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=password('NewPass')
-> WHERE user='username';

Replace NewPass with the password that you want to use, and username with the relevant user name.

Source: Set password.

Rename user:

mysql> RENAME USER 'oldame'@'localhost' TO 'newname'@'localhost';

Reset root password

For resetting the root password (if lost), see How to Reset the Root Password or follow the procedure outlined below:

On Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:


On Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 LTS:

Note by default, only the Unix superuser (root) can login as the MySQL user root. Check if this is biting you if you get permssion denied.

It is very easy to reset the root password:

$ sudo mysql_secure_installation

On RHEL7, the root database user must have a passsord set, so this method cannot be used to recover a lost root password.



  1. Stop the databse server (mariadb.service).
  2. Start mysqld_safe as a background process with the --skip-grant-tables and --skip-networking options so that it will not prompt for a password.
  3. Connect to the database as the root user.
  4. Set a new root password.
  5. Stop and restart the database server.
  6. Test the new passord.
# systemctl stop mariadb.service
# mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking &
(hit return to get the command line prompt)
# mysql -u root
MariaDB [(none)]>

You're now interacting with the SQL monitor as the root user. Now you can set up a new root password.

***> use mysql
***> update user set password=PASSWORD("NewPass") where User='root';
***> flush privileges;
***> quit

A new password is now set. Stop and restart the MySQL server.

# systemctl stop mariadb.service
# systemctl start mariadb.service

However, most times the service will not restart. If the cause is another mysql process running. Use the follwing to verify that this is the cause:

# journalctl -xe
-- Unit mariadb.service has begun starting up.
…: Socket file /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock exists.
…: Is another MySQL daemon already running with the same unix socket?
…: mariadb.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
…: Failed to start MariaDB database server.
-- Subject: Unit mariadb.service has failed

To kill it, first find its PID, kill the process and use mysqladmin to shut down.

# ps -aux | grep mysql
root     …
mysql    12345  0.1  2.4 988168 96572 pts/0 …
root     …
# kill -9 2345
# mysqladmin shutdown

Test the new password.

# mysql -u root -p
Enter password: *****
mysql> quit

Changing things

Move all databases to a new server

To move all databases from one server to another, first dump everything out of MySQL on the old server, then pull it back in on the new.

To dump:

$ mysqldump --all-databases --opt -u root -p > DUMP.sql

To restore:

$ mysql -u root -p < DUMP.sql

Note that this also changes the root password into whatever the root password on the old server used to be.

Back up a single database

To dump a database name mydb:

$ mysqldump -u root -p mydb > DUMPmydb.sql

To restore:

$ mysql -u root -p < DUMPmydb.sql

Rename database

There is no longer a built-in command to rename a data database (it was removed in MySQL 5.1.23). Instead, you can use the DUMP command to export the content of an old database and import it into a new one.

$ sudo mysqldump oldname > DUMP.sql
$ sudo mysqladmin  create newname
$ sudo mysql newname < DUMP.sql

List, rename and delete users

mysql> SELECT db,user,host,select_priv FROM mysql.db;
mysql> RENAME USER 'olduser'@'localhost' TO 'newuser'@'localhost';
mysql> DROP USER 'user'@'localhost';

Dropping a user will clean up all the entries in the various mysql.* tables that deal with user authentication, such as mysql.db.

Delete database

To delete a database permanently, use the following pair of commands as root:

mysql> REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON database.* FROM 'user'@'localhost';
mysql> DROP DATABASE database;

The DROP DATABASE-command will delete the database files, but the database will not be purged from the mysql.db table if there still is users associated with it. This why both commands should be used.

To check that a database is really gone, do:

mysql> USE mysql;
mysql> SELECT db,user FROM db;

If you just want to drop all tables in order to empty the database, you may use iterate over all tables using “DROP TABLE tablename”, or you may drop and then recreate the database:

mysql> DROP DATABASE database;
mysql> CREATE DATABASE database;

Source: nixCraft: MySQL Empty Database.

Last update: 2020-12-29 [gh].