
by Gisle Hannemyr

This chapter discusses the workflow recommended by Hannemyr Nye Medier AS for Drupal site building.

Table of contents


This document is part of the internal documentation for Hannemyr Nye Medier AS. Its main audience is staff helping clients to build Drupal websites. It is not read-protetected by choice. We are a transparent company and also want our clients and others to have public access to this information.


To build Drupal 8 or Drupal 9 websites, you should set up a separate staging server and a production server.

The staging server needs to run composer and requires at least 4 GB of memory. We recommend setting this on a Droplet on our preferred hosting company: DigitalOcean.

See alsoYou may also set up a local server as your staging server. To learn how to do this, see the community documentation: Local server setup about setting up a local server, for instance based on XAMPP or MAMP.

The production website can not be on a local server. We recommend using a droplet provided by DigitalOcean for this as well.

Final word


Last update: 2020-09-11.